
Hooray for Fuel Efficiency!!

My ultra long and painful car search is finally over!! I am now driving a wonderful Honda Civic! I'm super duper excited but I feel a little odd... I feel like a car is something that identifies a person. I've driven several different cars in the past 5 years, but in Boston my car has been a black SUV... quite different from this small white sedan. I feel like I am changing my identity. Exciting, but odd. Well, whether I'm redefining myself or not, I'm extremely happy with the car! Here she is!

Ain't she perdy?

New identity... does it fit?


Tiffany was the first passenger in _____ ... Tiff said we need to name her. Any thoughts?


Timothy said...

Congrats on the new car!
I love the new shoes. They match the car perfectly. Very Sexy all around!

Anonymous said...

what about lucy?

Rob, Mandy, and Cooper said...

Ya for your new car!! I would give you a name for your car but I can't even decide on a name for my baby!! haha, how are you doing?! When are you coming to visit Sunny STG?